
The World Below

Created by The World Below RPG by Onyx Path

A tabletop roleplaying game of subterranean fantasy, horror, and exploration.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

March 2025 - Stretch Goal Reward Distribution
8 days ago – Wed, Mar 19, 2025 at 10:44:21 AM

Hello Deep Delvers,

As we slide into the final weeks of March, it's time for our regular monthly update. And, as a bonus, I've got a couple of Stretch Goal rewards ready to go out to backers!

Remember these from the campaign?

Well, we smashed both of those milestone markers, and I've got some redemption links going to to backers who have those in their list of rewards later today...


These tokens are designed to allow you to bring The World Below to the virtual tabletop platform of your choice. These tokens include a variety of playable characters and monsters from The World Below.
This pack includes 116 tokens.

Inside you’ll find:
  • Player character tokens drawn from the art of The World Below
  • Character tokens to represent both Storyguide Characters and Antagonists
  • A quick reference pdf containing all the token art for ease of view


This collection of png files with transparencies is drawn from the art of The World Below.
These overlays are designed to help bring your The World Below game to life on streaming platforms. These files are designed to accommodate everything from a single performer creating characters with a document window, to up to six performers on screen simultaneously. Overlays of two to five players have variant layouts to accommodate the inclusion of a VTT map in your broadcast.

The World Below Streaming Overlays includes:
  • 10 png files with preserved transparency at 1920 x 1080
  • Variants for performers only or performers with a window for VTT, map, or document input


If these rewards are on your rewards list, your link to claim them will be sent out by our BackerKit pledge manager over the day. Since we are using our partners at DriveThruRPG as the host for this, you will need to set up a DriveThru account if you don't have one already. If you encounter any problems with downloading your rewards, please contact DTRPG's customer service to resolve the matter, they've always been top-rated for customer service.

Again, you will receive an e-mail from BackerKit with links for these rewards over the next 24 hours if they are on your expected list of rewards.

The easiest way to see if you've got digital downloads available is to login to your backerkit account: and it'll show anything available. Your backerkit account should also confirm all rewards that you should expect from your reward tier selected.

Rewards Still Pending

With those two Stretch Goals out to backers, our reward list is a bit shorter, but still ready to have lots of dots filled in. There have been challenges locking down print partners and pricing with shifting global economies, but Onyx Path recently noted that some new partnerships are being tested and hopefully that'll make things smoother going forward. Once The World Below is actually scheduled for print, I'll let you know and outline next steps.

Rewards Distributed to Backers

  • Trinity Continuum Digital Starter Bundle (January 25 '24 Update)
  • Scion Second Edition Digital Starter Bundle (January 25 '24 Update)
  • They Came From Digital Starter Bundle (January 25 '24 Update)
  • Redbubble Backer T-Shirt Link (April 4 '24 Update)
  • The World Below Backer PDF (Oct 31 '24 Update)
  • World Below VTT Asset Pack (March 19 '25 Update)
  • World Below Streaming Overlay Set(March 19 '25 Update)

If you need to review your information or pledge status, you can return to your survey by clicking the link in your survey email or requesting your survey link under "Lost your survey?" on our BackerKit project page at

Onyx Path Project Tracking

You can read Onyx Path's most recent monthly summary, covering all projects and their status up to that point here: <February 2025 Project Status Summary>

You can find the weekly Monday Meeting blog updates <here>, which note any projects with status changes since the previous Month End summary. The project statuses listed are current as of last Monday, so do check it out each Monday night to see if anything may have progressed!

I will continue to post regular updates every month until the final reward has gone out.

Remember: You can use the links at the bottom of this e-mail to unsubscribe from updates or Manage your notification settings. These status updates are available on the campaign page for you to review at any time.

Onyx Path Discussion Channels

You may be able to get further insight and possibly some in-depth conversation at these Onyx Path discussion zones:

To Contact James

If you've got a question about your pledge or BackerKit page or any part of the process, you can contact me with any of these methods
  •  Via E-Mail: Onyx.Kickstarter [at]
  •  Via BackerKit: Click "Need Help?" from your page, and then fill in the Contact Us form. BackerKit will pass your message along to me.

Finalized PDF now available! Discounted PoD option for backers!
22 days ago – Wed, Mar 05, 2025 at 05:50:17 AM

Hello Deep Delvers,

Thanks to your feedback and support, Onyx Path has now fine-tuned The World Below PDF, implemented your feedback where appropriate, fixed all of the page numbers, and the finalized PDF is now available in your DriveThruRPG digital library.

You can access your DTRPG Digital Library at any time and download the latest version of the book at your convenience.

Later today, Onyx Path will release the PDF for purchase on DriveThruRPG. When that happens, they'll also make a print-on-demand version of that PDF availble for purchase. As one of your rewards, you may have access to a discount link that will allow you to add the PoD version to your cart at a slightly reduced price, should you wish to buy a hardcopy of the PDF.


If you pledged to the Hunter digital reward tier or have a hardcover version as one of the items in your pledge list, one of your rewards is a discounted option to order a print-on-demand version of The World Below PDF. Now that the print files have been finalized, Onyx Path can finalize the PDF at DriveThruRPG and make a PoD version of the PDF available for purchase.

Again, just to ensure it's understood - 


This is a discount link for a one-off printed version of the PDF that will soon be released for purchase on (but YOU can order it at a discounted cost if you wish!) With this step completed and the files finalized, Onyx Path can now begin setting up the hardcover editions at the printer and will ship to you later this year.


So, for those backers who pledged at the PDF reward tier, or those backers who will later be receiving the hardcover book but might be looking for a second copy for the table, there are two different versions of Print-On-Demand options available.

Standard Color uses a thick 70# white paper which has better page opacity. (that's "70 pound" for reference, but does not mean each page weighs 70 lbs!).  Standard Heavyweight Color uses inkjet technology. (These are not the same inkjet printers you have at home - these are often as big or bigger than a car!) This option offers lower cost but the colors won't be as sharp or bright as a Premium Color book.

Premium Color uses the same 70# paper, but uses "Digital Color Print Engine Technology," which sounds super fancy and certainly costs a lot more, but I'll admit to not knowing the exact difference. This option offers superior color quality but is more expensive to produce, and has gotten even more expensive over the past year.

(Remember to login to DriveThruRPG prior to clicking or pasting the discount link in your BackerKit digital rewards locker, if you that was part of your rewards list! That link is your coupon and must be used for your PoD order.)

Please note: This discounted Print-on-Demand ordering link will be valid at this cost for the next six months - it expires on September 1, 2025 - so please, if you choose to order a Print-on-Demand copy, use the provided link prior to autumn 2025 to ensure the best pricing. (That is to say, I can't confirm the price will stay at this same spot past August, so best to order before then.)


If this reward is on your rewards list, your link to claim it will be sent out by our BackerKit pledge manager over the day. Since we are using our partners at DriveThruRPG as the host for this, you will need to set up a DriveThru account if you don't have one already. If you encounter any problems with downloading your rewards, please contact DTRPG's customer service to resolve the matter, they've always been top-rated for customer service.

Again, you will receive an e-mail from BackerKit with links for this reward over the next 24 hours if it is on your expected list of rewards.

The easiest way to see if you've got digital downloads available is to login to your backerkit account: and it'll show anything available. Your backerkit account should also confirm all rewards that you should expect from your reward tier selected.

If you need to review your information or pledge status, you can return to your survey by clicking the link in your survey email or requesting your survey link under "Lost your survey?" on our BackerKit project page at


You may be able to get further insight and possibly some in-depth conversation at these Onyx Path discussion zones:


  •  Via E-Mail: Onyx.Kickstarter [at]
  •  Via BackerKit: Click "Need Help?" from your page, and then fill in the Contact Us form. BackerKit will pass your message along to me.

February 2025 Monthly Update
28 days ago – Thu, Feb 27, 2025 at 06:48:47 AM

Hello Deep Delvers,

February is the shortest month of the year, so let's see if I can keep this update fairly quick. Let's jump right in!

Rewards Still Pending

Onyx Path's most recent update lists our main reward, The World Below, in the finalizing stage, with "Tweaking Strata Map and Character Sheet..." so a few final fixes to go based on your feedback during the Backer PDF phase. 

Rewards Distributed to Backers

  • Trinity Continuum Digital Starter Bundle (January 25 '24 Update)
  • Scion Second Edition Digital Starter Bundle (January 25 '24 Update)
  • They Came From Digital Starter Bundle (January 25 '24 Update)
  • Redbubble Backer T-Shirt Link (April 4 '24 Update)
  • The World Below Backer PDF (Oct 31 '24 Update)

If you need to review your information or pledge status, you can return to your survey by clicking the link in your survey email or requesting your survey link under "Lost your survey?" on our BackerKit project page at

Onyx Path Project Tracking

You can read Onyx Path's most recent monthly summary, covering all projects and their status up to that point here: <January 2025 Project Status Summary>

You can find the weekly Monday Meeting blog updates <here>, which note any projects with status changes since the previous Month End summary. The project statuses listed are current as of last Monday, so do check it out each Monday night to see if anything may have progressed!

I will continue to post regular updates every month until the final reward has gone out.

Remember: You can use the links at the bottom of this e-mail to unsubscribe from updates or Manage your notification settings. These status updates are available on the campaign page for you to review at any time.

Onyx Path Discussion Channels

You may be able to get further insight and possibly some in-depth conversation at these Onyx Path discussion zones:

To Contact James

  •  Via E-Mail: Onyx.Kickstarter [at]
  •  Via BackerKit: Click "Need Help?" from your page, and then fill in the Contact Us form. BackerKit will pass your message along to me.


Check it out and join in on the fun!

In Trinity Continuum: Steam Wars, your player characters are the crewmembers of a war rig, venturing into battles against people from far off countries, aligned to ideals different than their own, and trying to preserve their peace, their way of life, or their rich deposits of a new, bizarre energy source: condensed coal. Your characters — the crewmembers of these war rigs — are as likely to be enlisted crooks as they are commissioned officers; gung-ho patriots as common as conscripted people from the imperial powers’ colonies. They fight because they have to. But in the fear and fog of battle, bonds form, friendships and rivalries grow, and legends are made.

Trinity Continuum: Steam Wars takes place outside the Trinity Continuum's "Alpha" timeline -- the worlds explored from Aegis to Æon -- taking place in a parallel reality, setting the stage for new adventures and discoveries.

Trinity Continuum: Steam Wars contains:
  • A complete setting based on the acclaimed graphic novel Steam Wars with writing by Larry Blamire and art by David Miller, Steve LeBlanc, and Christoper Ehnot.
  • Detailed rules on piloting, managing, and fighting massive coal-powered giant robots in a parallel 19th century.
  • Six different roles you can perform on a steam rig, along with more than half a dozen Alliances involving in the Second Steam War that you can fight, ally with, or sabotage.
  • Storyguide advice, secrets, hooks, and plots, to enable you to start your game of Trinity Continuum: Steam Wars 

January 2025 Monthly Update
about 2 months ago – Tue, Jan 28, 2025 at 08:39:53 AM

Hello Deep Delvers,

We start off regular monthly updates for 2025 in pretty standard form. We'll review our rewards still pending, we'll confirm which rewards have been distribued, and we'll have links to find more information, to discuss this project and the Earthbane Cycle, notes on how to contact me, and a look ahead at our next project.

Rewards Still Pending

No big changes over the year end. The Onyx Path team is currently "wrapping up" the final version of our book, so hopefully we'll see a finalized PDF available on soon incorporating your feedback from the Backer PDF. AFter that, the Onyx Path crew can begin locking in the print specs and timing - which will likely be a challenge with all that's going on in the world, but hopefully they'll figure out their path forward quickly. I'll continue to report on the project status in each monthly udpate so we're all on the same page.

Rewards Distributed to Backers

  • Trinity Continuum Digital Starter Bundle (January 25 '24 Update)
  • Scion Second Edition Digital Starter Bundle (January 25 '24 Update)
  • They Came From Digital Starter Bundle (January 25 '24 Update)
  • Redbubble Backer T-Shirt Link (April 4 '24 Update)
  • The World Below Backer PDF (Oct 31 '24 Update)

If you need to review your information or pledge status, you can return to your survey by clicking the link in your survey email or requesting your survey link under "Lost your survey?" on our BackerKit project page at

Onyx Path Project Tracking

You can read Onyx Path's most recent monthly summary, covering all projects and their status up to that point here: <December 2024 Project Status Summary>

You can find the weekly Monday Meeting blog updates <here>, which note any projects with status changes since the previous Month End summary. The project statuses listed are current as of last Monday, so do check it out each Monday night to see if anything may have progressed!

I will continue to post regular updates every month until the final reward has gone out.

Remember: You can use the links at the bottom of this e-mail to unsubscribe from updates or Manage your notification settings. These status updates are available on the campaign page for you to review at any time.

Onyx Path Discussion Channels

You may be able to get further insight and possibly some in-depth conversation at these Onyx Path discussion zones:

To Contact James

  •  Via E-Mail: Onyx.Kickstarter [at]
  •  Via BackerKit: Click "Need Help?" from your page, and then fill in the Contact Us form. BackerKit will pass your message along to me.


Sign up to be notified when this project goes live <here>

In Trinity Continuum: Steam Wars, your player characters are the crewmembers of a war rig, venturing into battles against people from far off countries, aligned to ideals different than their own, and trying to preserve their peace, their way of life, or their rich deposits of a new, bizarre energy source: condensed coal. Your characters — the crewmembers of these war rigs — are as likely to be enlisted crooks as they are commissioned officers; gung-ho patriots as common as conscripted people from the imperial powers’ colonies. They fight because they have to. But in the fear and fog of battle, bonds form, friendships and rivalries grow, and legends are made.

Trinity Continuum: Steam Wars takes place outside the Trinity Continuum's "Alpha" timeline -- the worlds explored from Aegis to Æon -- taking place in a parallel reality, setting the stage for new adventures and discoveries.

Trinity Continuum: Steam Wars contains:
  • A complete setting based on the acclaimed graphic novel Steam Wars with writing by Larry Blamire and art by David Miller, Steve LeBlanc, and Christoper Ehnot.
  • Detailed rules on piloting, managing, and fighting massive coal-powered giant robots in a parallel 19th century.
  • Six different roles you can perform on a steam rig, along with more than half a dozen Alliances involving in the Second Steam War that you can fight, ally with, or sabotage.
  • Storyguide advice, secrets, hooks, and plots, to enable you to start your game of Trinity Continuum: Steam Wars 

December 2024 Monthly Update
4 months ago – Thu, Dec 12, 2024 at 07:40:23 AM

Hello Deep Delvers,

I'm back with our final month end status check-in of 2024! I'm coming to you a bit early this month for a pretty obvious reason - the time crunch and shifting schedule around the year end holidays! I'm buying myself some free time to wind down and enjoy my family. Maybe with a game or two!

So let's get into our Review!

Rewards Still Pending

Right now, the Onyx Path team has your feedback from the Backer PDF that went out at the end of October and are nearly finished finalizing the PDF for wide release and beginning the print prep process. Also, since The World Below was the first game released using Storypath Ultra, we get the benefit of a few tweaks and adjustments that came from subsequent SPU campaigns like At The Gates and Curseborne! So the final version will have all of the corrections in place and we'll be able to download from our DTRPG digital library when it's available.

Beyond that, incremental progress in the background but not enough to fill in a dot yet. I'm hoping we'll see lots more filled in over 2025!

Rewards Distributed to Backers

  • Trinity Continuum Digital Starter Bundle (January 25 '24 Update)
  • Scion Second Edition Digital Starter Bundle (January 25 '24 Update)
  • They Came From Digital Starter Bundle (January 25 '24 Update)
  • Redbubble Backer T-Shirt Link (April 4 '24 Update)
  • The World Below Backer PDF (Oct 31 '24 Update)

If you need to review your information or pledge status, you can return to your survey by clicking the link in your survey email or requesting your survey link under "Lost your survey?" on our BackerKit project page at

Onyx Path Project Tracking

You can read Onyx Path's most recent monthly summary, covering all projects and their status up to that point here: <November 2024 Project Status Summary>

You can find the weekly Monday Meeting blog updates <here>, which note any projects with status changes since the previous Month End summary. The project statuses listed are current as of last Monday, so do check it out each Monday night to see if anything may have progressed!

I will continue to post regular updates every month until the final reward has gone out.

Remember: You can use the links at the bottom of this e-mail to unsubscribe from updates or Manage your notification settings. These status updates are available on the campaign page for you to review at any time.

Onyx Path Discussion Channels

You may be able to get further insight and possibly some in-depth conversation at these Onyx Path discussion zones:

To Contact James

  •  Via E-Mail: Onyx.Kickstarter [at]
  •  Via BackerKit: Click "Need Help?" from your page, and then fill in the Contact Us form. BackerKit will pass your message along to me.

Final Hours To Pledge

The Alchemical Exalted are the Chosen of the Machine God, biomechanical demigods forged from divine metal and heroic souls. They do not rule the Eight Nations, but serve as Champions of the people, a sacred duty greater than any ambition. The eldest of Alchemicals transcend their human forms to become metropoli, living cities that offer the Eight Nations a stronghold against Autochthonia’s perils.

The Realm of Brass and Shadows is unforgiving, and the Eight Nations find themselves faced with many challenges: cataclysmic upheavals of Autochthon’s world-machinery, incursions of gruesome techno-organic gremlins, and the ever-present threat to their livelihoods. All the while, the slumbering Autochthon grows ever sicker, his corrupting Blight metastasizing throughout his world-body. Despair not. There is work to be done.

Alchemicals: Forged by the Machine God is an expansion for the Exalted Third Edition tabletop roleplaying game. It’s set in a mythic world where spirits walk openly among humanity, warring demigods topple kingdoms, and the restless dead roam on moonless nights. Heroes granted divine power contend against one another for the future of Creation. These are the Exalted!